Here are the important dates for people who want to submit an application to the Arizona Department of Health Services to obtain an Arizona medical marijuana Dispensary Registration Certificate (the first hurdle to get a dispensary license)
May 14, 2012 – First day to submit applications for a Dispensary Registration Certificate. ADHS will refuse any applications submitted before this date.
May 25, 2012, 5:00 pm – No applications for a Dispensary Registration Certificate will be accepted after this date and time.
June 25, 2012 – ADHS finishes reviewing all applications.
July 16, 2012 – Last day for applicants who submitted defective applications to correct all defects.
August 7, 2012 – ADHS announces winners applicants awarded Dispensary Registration Certificates.
The good news is that the application is very short and simple. If your would be dispensary has done all of its homework (per my instructions in “Checklist for Opening an Arizona Medical Marijuana Dispensary“) and is ready to actually prepare and file the application for a DRC, you will find it to be a piece of cake.
Here are the DRC application documents that every prospective Arizona medical marijuana dispensary must use:
1. Dispensary Registration Certificate Application Checklist: Make sure that your applicant has satisfied all of the items set forth in this document.
2. Dispensary Registration Certificate Application Instructions: Follow these instructions when completing the DRC Application.
3. Dispensary Registration Certificate Application: The actual application. Make sure to take a duplicate to the Arizona Department of Health Services when you file the original and ask ADHS to stamp its received stamp on the duplicate. Keep the stamped duplicate in the applicant’s file.
See the ADHS Dispensary Registration Certificate Process flow chart.
Two items to note:
1. When you submit your DRC Application, you must include a copy of the applicant’s Bylaws drafted to comply with the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act and the final ADHS rules. To learn more about this important document read “Bylaws – We Don’t Need No Stinking Bylaws or Do We?” and “Bylaws for Arizona Medical Marijuana Dispensaries.”
2. The Application must contain the name of the applicant’s Medical Director. Before you submit the name of a Medical Director you should have a signed contract between the Medical Director and applicant. The application could be put at risk if the Medical Director were to notify ADHS that he/she ceased to be the Medical Director. Do not rely on an oral commitment to be a Medical Director. Read “Clauses to Include in a Contract between a Medical Director & a Dispensary” and ““Why Every Arizona Medical Marijuana Dispensary Must Hire a Primary & an Alternate Medical Director.”