The KEYTLaw, LLC, law firm and its attorneys want to help people learn about and understand the areas of law practiced by the firm’s attorneys. We believe that the best way for us to accomplish this goal is to create websites that contain useful information about the law and legal issues. Here is the list of the KEYTLaw websites:
- KEYTLaw – This is our original website created in 2001 using Microsoft FrontPage. It’s cludgy and doesn’t have all the bells and whistles, but it is the site that has had over 6 million visitors during the period 2006 – 2010. It has a number of different topics, including copyright law, trademark law, domain name & internet law, Arizona landlord tenant law, Arizona real estate law, and Arizona limited liability company (replaced by this website).
- Arizona Limited Liability Company Law – Everything you might want to know about forming, operating and terminating Arizona limited liability companies. This website is one of the reasons Arizona LLC attorney Richard Keyt has formed 3,200+ Arizona LLCs.
- KEYTLaw Law Blog – A compilation of current stories and articles found on the internet that involve Arizona law and national law.
- Wills, Trusts & Estate Planning – This website explains what you must do to protect your most valuable asset – your family – in the event of your death or incapacity. Do not leave your family unprotected.
- IRA LLC Law – How to make self-directed IRA investments with a limited liability company. Many people want to us their IRA or retirement plan money to invest in nontraditional assets. This website explains how to accomplish that goal.
- U.S. Real Estate Law – Information to help nonU.S. citizens invest in U.S. real estate.
- Flying the F-4 Phantom – Pictures and stories from Richard Keyt’s five years in the United States Air Force flying the prettiest and badest supersonic jet fighter that ever roamed the wild blue yonder.
- Inspirational Words – Speeches, letters and videos that inspire.