Phoenix New Times: “A Navajo County judge’s recent ruling about medical-marijuana extracts could lead to popular dispensary products like vape cartridges and edibles being taken off the shelves. Don’t freak out: That’s a worst-case scenario. But it’s possible, if a higher court ultimately agrees with the judge and rules that “cannabis” is not covered by the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act.”
Medical-Cannabis Extracts at Arizona Dispensaries Deemed Illegal
By On the Net|2017-10-24T07:16:32-07:00October 24th, 2017|AZ Marijuana Law Lawsuits, Legal Issues, Stories & Articles|Comments Off on Medical-Cannabis Extracts at Arizona Dispensaries Deemed Illegal
About the Author: On the Net
The author of this article is
Richard Keyt, an Arizona business law attorney who is the creator of this Arizona medical marijuana law website. Connect with Richard at 480-664-7478 or on Google+