Phoenix New Times: “Springerville police raided the Green Farmacy in the small, eastern-Arizona town and seized the shop’s supply of medical marijuana, claiming the place was no longer authorized by the state to sell marijuana. The dispensary’s been closed since the Wednesday raid. Springerville police raided the Green Farmacy in the small, eastern-Arizona town and seized the shop’s supply of medical marijuana, claiming the place was no longer authorized by the state to sell marijuana. The dispensary’s been closed since the Wednesday raid.”
Springerville Dispensary Raided
By On the Net|2016-05-01T07:09:06-07:00April 25th, 2016|Marijuana Crimes, Stories & Articles|Comments Off on Springerville Dispensary Raided
About the Author: On the Net
The author of this article is
Richard Keyt, an Arizona business law attorney who is the creator of this Arizona medical marijuana law website. Connect with Richard at 480-664-7478 or on Google+