Arizona Republic: “Arizona’s new medical-marijuana law is not just a legal headache for lawyers and lawmakers anymore. The law that passed narrowly last fall is a cultural page-turning event, prompting changes that just a few years ago would have seemed inconceivable. Like them or not – and we are not exactly thrilled with a lot of these developments – the changes wrought by the medical-marijuana law go far beyond what is dictated in statutes that declare pot a ‘medicine’.”
Medical Marijuana Gaining Acceptance
By On the Net|2011-06-03T06:43:12-07:00June 3rd, 2011|Stories & Articles|Comments Off on Medical Marijuana Gaining Acceptance
About the Author: On the Net
The author of this article is
Richard Keyt, an Arizona business law attorney who is the creator of this Arizona medical marijuana law website. Connect with Richard at 480-664-7478 or on Google+