Bozeman Daily Chronicle:  “Gallatin Valley medical marijuana businesses were open Tuesday, but many questions remained about what prompted federal raids of dispensaries across the state Monday. . . . The U.S. attorney’s office Tuesday said federal agents executed 26 search warrants in 13 cities and towns across the state in the first major crackdown on medical marijuana businesses since the industry took off last year. . . . the U.S. attorney’s office said the raids followed an 18-month investigation. However, federal officials did not make clear what distinguished the businesses raided Monday from other medical marijuana operations across the state, . . . . The businesses that were raided were some of the largest medical marijuana providers in the state

See also:

  • Medical marijuana growers accused of trafficking.”  Montana’s U.S. attorney said the U.S. conducted the raids because “there is probable cause that the premises were involved in illegal and large-scale trafficking of marijuana.”
  • U.S. Attorney’s Office: Montana medical marijuana businesses involved in trafficking, tax evasion” which said, “the U.S. Attorney’s Office said the medical marijuana businesses raided were involved in large-scale marijuana trafficking and tax evasion.  While there have been no arrests yet, agents seized at least $3.6 million from various bank accounts,”  The story also says that one of the raided dispensaries purchased pounds of marijuana from another dispensary that was also raided.