Arizona Republic: “Chandler’s regulations for medical-marijuana dispensaries will likely be more restrictive than those in other Valley cities, forcing greater distances from schools, churches, day care centers and public parks and requiring additional permits for dispensaries that also grow marijuana. . . . Under the proposed Chandler law, dispensaries must be at least 5,280 feet from another medical-marijuana facility”
Chandler Working on Tough Medical-marijuana Zoning
By On the Net|2012-08-18T09:29:07-07:00January 22nd, 2011|Zoning|Comments Off on Chandler Working on Tough Medical-marijuana Zoning
About the Author: On the Net
The author of this article is
Richard Keyt, an Arizona business law attorney who is the creator of this Arizona medical marijuana law website. Connect with Richard at 480-664-7478 or on Google+