Alan Sobol & Andrew Meyer Speak at the Same NORML Event
I got an email message from The Consiglieri Group on January 16, 2011, that contained the following from Alan Sobol about his close encounter of the third kind with Andrew Meyer at a NORML meeting in Tucson where both men had been invited to speak. I’m sure Alan was hoping to start the debate with Andrew that Alan asked for recently, but alas, it didn’t happen. Here’s what Alan wrote:
As you may recall I challenged MPP Manager , Andrew Meyer to a debate last week. So far no response.
However, I did have the opportunity to bump into Mr. Meyers last Saturday at the Tucson Norml meeting. Meyer’s did not know that I was asked to speak. According to the Norml president Jon, in order to give balance to the meeting both Meyers and me were invited to speak. Mr. Meyer was obviously shaken to learn of the dual speaking event. During Meyer’s presentation he admitted that he was working with the Health Department through “third party agencies” to develop the rules. He repeately referred to the rule making progress as, “WE ARE” working on the rules”. But the most shocking revelation was Meyer’s admission that he now believed that my original idea of a “two step” application process was the appropriate way to administer the approval process.
Immediately after his presentation Meyer rudely and hurrily exited the building apparently so as not to be confronted with any attendee questions regarding my presentation.
Meyer and I had no direct communication except for the finger I received from his lady friend Ms. Tea as they ran from the building.I believe that on January 31, 2011 when the AZDHS releases their revised proposed rules we will see a more reasonable application process. I further believe that as a direct result of the thousands of comments received from all of you, the AZDHS will be forced to moderate their rules. want to encourage all of you to continue with your business plans, whatever they may be. Don’t loose the opportunity to become involved in this new industry, simply because you do not have enough time to get it finished. Keep moving forward prudently.
Thanks for all your support, and keep fighting,
Allan Sobol
Marijuana Marketing strategies, LLC