Arizona Nurses Want to Expand Medical Pot Uses

Casa Grande Dispatch:  “If some Arizona nurses get their way, medical marijuana will become available as early as next year to treat everything from arthritis and autism to Tourette’s syndrome and traumatic brain injury.  Members of the Arizona Cannabis Nurses Association are petitioning the Department of Health Services to add those conditions and four more to the list of what qualifies people to use the drug. The voter-approved Arizona Medical Marijuana Act requires the agency to consider the requests.”


By |2015-09-06T08:43:00-07:00August 31st, 2015|Dept Health Services, DHS Rules, Stories & Articles|Comments Off on Arizona Nurses Want to Expand Medical Pot Uses

Changing Times Brings High Times to Cottonwood

Verde Independent:  “When owner and master horticulturist Ian Pedersen swung-open the doors to iGro Hydroponics, he did so with the mission, ‘I grow where the individual grows.’  And ‘where the individual grows’ could mean anything from an organic tomato garden to a fledgling medical cannabis business.  ‘I was charged with (the duty of) setting-up the largest state-licensed medical cannabis growing center in Arizona in 2014,’ says Pedersen.”

By |2017-02-12T07:40:51-07:00August 27th, 2015|Stories & Articles|Comments Off on Changing Times Brings High Times to Cottonwood

Top 10 Reasons Arizona Voters will Legalize Marijuana

Phoenix New Times:  “Alaska, Oregon, Washington, Colorado, and Washington, D.C., have legalized marijuana for adults 21 and older, and Arizona voters probably will get the chance to decide the question for themselves next year.  The people of the 48th state are a proud, independent-thinking bunch who prefer the federal government to butt out (except when we need money). It’s a purple state with about 35 percent of voters registered as independent. Put the question before them, and Arizona voters will say “yes” to legal marijuana for a multitude of reasons.  Here are our Top 10 reasons why marijuana legalization will pass here next November:”

By |2015-08-25T06:49:42-07:00August 25th, 2015|Stories & Articles|Comments Off on Top 10 Reasons Arizona Voters will Legalize Marijuana

Concerns about Arizona’s Medical Marijuana Law

Eastern Arizona Courier:  “opponents of marijuana legalization said the system is ‘cloaked in secrecy’ and questioned whether Arizona is a model state, pointing to factors like its high number of medical marijuana cardholders. They also raise concerns about a lack of transparency and question whether the system has hindered drug cartels as supporters claimed it would. . . . According to department reports, fewer than 500 of the state’s more than 27,000 eligible physician certifiers actually wrote certifications.  Naturopathic doctors, whose medical practices emphasize prevention and holistic treatments, wrote more than 75 percent of the total certifications.”

By |2015-08-25T06:45:11-07:00August 25th, 2015|Stories & Articles|Comments Off on Concerns about Arizona’s Medical Marijuana Law

Marijuana Legalization Supporters Claim It Would Generate $40 Million for Schools

Phoenix New Times:  “Supporters of a plan to legalize marijuana in Arizona gathered at the state Capitol today to symbolically grant the state a check for $40 million — the amount they say schools would reap if voters approve the plan next year.  J.P. Holyoak, chair of the Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol, was joined on the Capitol lawn by two Democratic state representatives and several teachers who support the proposed citizens initiative expected to be on the November 2016 ballot. The presentation included a oversize $40 million check made payable to Arizona.”

By |2015-08-20T07:20:45-07:00August 20th, 2015|Stories & Articles|Comments Off on Marijuana Legalization Supporters Claim It Would Generate $40 Million for Schools

ASU Releases Report on Marijuana Legalization

Phoenix New Times:  “A team of 27 journalism students from the Carnegie-Knight News21 program at Arizona State University released a wide-ranging investigative series on marijuana this week that focuses on the evolving culture and legality of the plant. The students, from 19 universities across the country and Canada, ‘traveled to more than 23 states and interviewed hundreds of individuals’ for ‘America’s Weed Rush’ according to an ASU statement.”

By |2015-08-19T20:44:33-07:00August 19th, 2015|Stories & Articles|Comments Off on ASU Releases Report on Marijuana Legalization

Medical Marijuana User Educates People

The Daily Courier:  “Kellogg Patton is a believer in the healing properties of medical marijuana.  A retired Air Force veteran, Patton said medical marijuana has calmed her central nervous system tremors and has treated other physical and mental health issues better than conventional remedies. . . . With a mix of humor and personal stories, Patton shared her own viewpoint with a room of about 25 people at the Adult Center of Prescott on Tuesday, Aug. 4. Patton, who is not a medical professional, said she has gleaned insights from her experience and wishes to educate others who might benefit.

By |2017-02-12T07:40:51-07:00August 13th, 2015|Stories & Articles|Comments Off on Medical Marijuana User Educates People

California Marijuana Farms at Risk as Weed Smoke could Rise from Wildfires

The Guardian:  “Marijuana farms have been engulfed by California wildfires over the summer as firefighters work to contain blazes across northern California that have already burned through more than 70,000 acres. While the marijuana crops destroyed are unlikely to cause any statewide supply issues, it could drive up some prices, put small farmers out of business – and disseminate a familiar smell.

By |2015-08-13T06:56:34-07:00August 12th, 2015|California News, Stories & Articles|Comments Off on California Marijuana Farms at Risk as Weed Smoke could Rise from Wildfires

Ohio Voters May Legalize Pot

Los Angeles Times:  “Ohio will vote on a constitutional amendment to legalize marijuana in November, state officials announced Wednesday. If the measure passes, Ohio would become the fifth state and the first in the Midwest to legalize the recreational use of marijuana, in addition to the District of Columbia. A pro-marijuana group, ResponsibleOhio, gathered enough signatures to place the measure on the upcoming ballot, Secretary of State Jon Husted said in a statement.”

By |2015-08-13T06:29:56-07:00August 12th, 2015|Stories & Articles|Comments Off on Ohio Voters May Legalize Pot

Colorado May Ban Candy Name on Marijuana Treats

Associated Press:  “Edible marijuana products in Colorado may soon come labeled with a red stop sign, according to a draft of new rules released Wednesday by state marijuana regulators.  The state may also ban the word “candy” from edible pot products


By |2015-08-13T06:51:46-07:00August 11th, 2015|Colorado News, Stories & Articles|Comments Off on Colorado May Ban Candy Name on Marijuana Treats
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